スクエアエンドミル コーナーRエンドミル ボールエンドミル ラフィングエンドミル Vカットエンドミル エンドミル PRICESTAR ドリル チップ 部品・グッズ
驚愕価格のエンドミル プライススター
カタログダウンロード ご利用ガイド 当サイトについて お問い合わせ

特定商取引法に基づく表記Notation based on Specified Commercial Transaction Law



(休業日:(土)(日)(祝)/お盆休・年末年始) Orders are received 24 hours a day.
Orders are processed and shipped from 10:00 to 15:00 on weekdays.
Sat. Sun. and Holidays, Obon and New Year are closed.

ご注文頂いた商品ごとに、納期などの変更のある場合は、個別に受注確認のメールにて回答致します。 ●Items are basically in stock. However, the number of items in stock varies depending on the item.
If there is a change in the delivery date for each item ordered, we will notify you by order confirmation email.

出来る限り、迅速なタイミングでお手元にお届けできるように対応してまいります。 We will do our best to deliver to you as quickly as possible.

〒566-0033 大阪府摂津市学園町1-1-26
TEL:072-652-5405 FAX:072-652-5388
代表者:山下 敦史
店舗運営責任者:白井 章次
店舗セキュリティ責任者:山田 健二
店舗連絡先 Asahi Shoko Co.,Ltd.
Gakuen-Cho 1-1-26 Settsu-City Osaka
Postal Code: 566-0033
TEL: 072-652-5405
FAX: 072-652-5388
Representative: Atsushi Yamashita
Store manager: Shoji Shirai
Store Security Officer: Kenji Yamada

●Contact Information
 We will reply to you during business hours.

Business Hours
Sun Closed
Mon 10:00~17:00
Sat Closed

* We will respond to your inquiry within 3 business days.
* Any inquiries received outside business hours will be considered received on the next business day.

平日AM10:00~PM12:30 PM13:30~PM17:00 ※土日祝(お盆・年末年始含む)は休業日とさせて頂いております。
Open Monday thru Friday from 10am to 12:30pm and from 13:30pm to 17pm
* We are closed on Saturday, Sunday, All national holidays (Obon and New Year).

※表示価格は全て税抜表示となっております。 Price will be displayed on the screen during the purchase procedure.
* All prices shown on the website do not include tax.

 ・クレジットカード情報またはお支払い方法の変更をご案内後、7日間変更いただけない場合、ご注文をキャンセル致します。 ■Credit Cards
 ・If the credit card is declined due to the customer's usage situation or any other reasons, we will require you to change the credit card information or payment method, or we will cancel the order.
 ・If you do not change your credit card information or payment method within 7 days after we inform you, we will cancel your order.

 ・三菱UFJ銀行(ミツビシUFJギンコウ)茨木支店(イバラギシテン)当座 8000(アサヒショウコウ(カ))
 ・三井住友銀行(ミツイスミトモギンコウ)茨木支店(イバラギシテン)普通 4363101(アサヒシヨウコウ(カ))

 ・お支払い期限よりも前にキャンセルになる場合がございます。ショップからのご案内事項、商品ページ上の記載等をご確認の上、 お早めにお支払いください。

※ご注文者様名義の口座よりお支払いください。ご注文者様以外の名義でお支払いいただいた場合、お支払いの確認ができない場合がございます。 ■Bank Transfer
* Payee's bank account:
Bank Name : MUFG Bank, LTD.
Brach Name : Ibaraki Branch
Account Type : Current account
Account Number : 8000

* Payee's bank account:
Brach Name : Ibaraki Branch
Account Type : Savings Account
Account Number : 4363101

After we receive your order, you will receive an email regarding payment (hereinafter referred to as the “Payment Email”).
 ・After we confirm your payment, we will ship your order.
 ・In the unlikely event that the shop may change the price after you place an order, the price shown in the “Payment Email” may be different from the original. Please confirm the amount stated in the “Payment Email” before making your payment.
 ・If the payment cannot be confirmed within 14 days, we will cancel the order.
 ・Your order may be canceled before the payment deadline. Please check the latest information from the shop and the description on the product page, and make payment as soon as possible.
 ・Please be sure that the transfer fee may be paid at your expense.

*The bank account holder's name used for payment must match the name registered as an orderer when purchasing. Otherwise, we may not be able to confirm your payment.


商品価格合計 代引手数料
1円~10,000円 330円
10,001円~30,000円 440円
30,001円~100,000円 660円
100,001円~300,000円 1,100円

■Cash on Delivery (COD)
 ・After we receive your order, we will inform you of the total amount of payment via email.
 ・Please make your payment to the delivery staff when you receive products.
 ・YAMATO TRANSPORT accepts only cash. Credit (debit) cards and electronic money are not accepted.

【COD Fee List】
Total product price COD Fee
1Yen~10,000Yen 330Yen
10,001Yen~30,000Yen 440Yen
30,001Yen~100,000Yen 660Yen
100,001Yen~300,000Yen 1,100Yen
Consumption tax for COD fee:Consumption tax is included in this price
COD contractor:Unspecified

こちらの地域は、送料無料を適用できない場合があり、別途送料加算となる場合がございます。 <Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Remote Islands>
Free shipping may not be applicable to this area, and there may be additional shipping charges.

※上記の場合は別途、店舗よりメールにてご連絡の上、送料訂正させて頂きますので、何卒ご了承ください。 <Free Shipping Products>
If the shipping address is individual home, the shipping fee may be charged additionally.
* Please be sure to enter the “corporation name” when placing an order for shipping products to corporations.
* In the above cases, please acknowledge that we will contact you to correct the shipping fee via email.

※基本的に配送業者の指定は出来ませんので何卒ご理解の程お願い申し上げます。 <Shipping Companies>
When shipping from us, all orders are delivered via our own in-house shipping (limited to business areas), or "YAMATO TRANSPORT".
* In principle, you cannot specify a shipping company. We kindly ask for your understanding.

We sell overseas only in some areas.

From October 1, 2019, the consumption tax rate will be changed to 10%.

Our shop is subject to the following conditions.

お客様都合の返品等により、返金が発生する場合は、振込手数料はお客様負担となります。 ●Refunds at Customer Convenience
We can't issue any refund at customer convenience.
* Please contact us by phone or email to request a refund for products.
In case the refunds at customer circumstances or due to any other reasons are approved, the transfer fee maybe paid at your expense.

(ネット販売はクーリング・オフ制度適用外です) ●Exchanges at Customer Convenience
In principle, we do not accept any returns.
* Online shopping is not subject to the cooling-off system.

※間違って注文した 等 Examples of Returns (Cancelations ) at customer's convenience * Different from what I expected
* Orders made by mistake, etc.

※上記メールは自動配信メールとは異なります。 Cancellation after receiving the order confirmation email sent from us ( referred to as the “Order Confirmation Email”) .
* The title of the “Order Confirmation Email” is "Subject: Thank you for your order" . * The “Order Confirmation Email” is not the automatic deliver email.

商品のご用意までのお手続きが完了いたしましたら、返品(キャンセル)を受け付けることができない場合がございます為、注文内容の変更・注文キャンセルの受付時間を上記メールのご案内までとさせて頂いておりますこと、ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 After we receive your order, we will immediately arrange the shipment.
In the event processing your order has been already completed, any returns or cancellation might not be accepted.
Therefore, please acknowledge that orders cannot be changed or canceled after you have received the “Order Confirmation Email”.
Thank you for your understanding.
但し、初期不良の場合のみお受け致します。 However, in the case of the order changes or cancellations as a result of a product defect, (initial failure), it does not correspond to the above case.

* Although we make every effort to deliver it,In the unlikely event of any of the following conditions, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your product
 ・The product is incorrect
 ・The product is defective
 ・The product is damaged or soiled
至急対応・交換をさせて頂きます。 We will respond to you and exchange products as soon as possible.

 お客様都合の場合はお客様に返品手数料として、送料と別に1,500をご負担いただきます。 * Return Shipping Fee and Return Fee
 We will accept return and bear the return shipping fee only if the product is defective (initial failure).
  In the case of return at customer's convenience, the customer will be charged a return fee of 1,500 yen in addition to the return shipping fee.

 商品が新品・未使用(再販可能な状態)か検品させて頂きましてからの判断となります。 * It is not always possible to return products even if you pay the return fee.
 After inspecting whether the returned product is new, unused (saleable), we will decide whether to return it.

 ※返金手数料はお客様負担となります。 ※Refunds
 Within 5 days after we receive the returned product, we will refund it to your bank account or cancel the credit card bill if you make your payment by credit card.
 * The refund fee may be paid at your expense.

以下の条件にあてはまる場合、商品の交換を致します。 * Exchange due to product defects
 Products will be exchanged if the following conditions are met.

 ●当店は、メーカー代理店であり、生産メーカーではありませんので、商品の検品は行っておりません。 <Conditions>
 ●Returns or exchanges for products due to product defect (initial defects) are only accepted within 7 days after you receive the products.
 ●Before returning the product, we will ask you about the usage status (the number and frequency of use, status when defect occurs, etc.) and report it to the manufacturer.
 ●As we are a distributor and not a manufacturer, we do not inspect products.

 ●商品到着後7日以内にご連絡をいただいた場合 <Exchange period>
 ●If you contact us within 7 days of the date you received your products.

 ●店舗負担 Return Shipping Fee: At our expense

 ●店舗負担 Re-Shipping fee: At our expense

 ●商品の廃番や欠品等により同一商品の手配が不可能など交換に応じることができない場合がございますことを予めご了承くださいませ。 <Notes>
 ●Please acknowledge that we may not be able to exchange due to the fact that the same product is discontinued or out of stock etc.

住所(返送先):〒566-0033 大阪府摂津市学園町1-1-26
担当者:「TOTIME.WEB」担当者まで Phone Number: 072-652-5405
Address (Return Address):Gakuen-Cho 1-1-26 Settsu-City Osaka Postal Code: 566-0033
Person in charge: To person in charge of "TOTIME.WEB"